Welcome to the Custom Safe Snack Guide Page for
Jean Coleman Elementary Snack Guide

It is important to read this page in its entirety before downloading and using this guide!

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Purpose of this Guide

This guide is designed to help protect individuals with food allergies from accidental ingestion or contact with their allergens of concern. Exposure to even trace amounts of an allergen by a person with a food allergy can trigger anaphylaxis, a severe, life-threatening reaction.

The organizer has deemed it important to provide you with this guide filled with options that are safe for consumption around those coping with allergies to specific foods.

Criteria for this Guide This Guide lists products that are marketed free from or manufactured in facilities that do not process:
peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, fish, shellfish and gluten
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications and latex. If you are allergic to a substance, your immune system overreacts to this allergen by releasing chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.
What is the Safe Snack Guide?
The Safe Snack Guide is a frequently updated list of products free of specific allergens. It provides an easy means of excluding these allergens from gatherings and events and complying with allergen exclusion policies adopted by schools, camps, youth sports leagues and other organizations in response to the skyrocketing number of people suffering from food allergies.
What information does the Safe Snack Guide provide?

All the products in this custom guide are marketed free from or manufactured in facilities that do not process the allergens listed above. Product listings also detail which products are certified kosher, organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

The Guide is interactive: You can click on any product to see the product's description, ingredient list, and allergen profile as well as links to the manufacturer's website, store finder, and Amazon page.

What are the three dates on the cover for?

The dates are important to ensure you are always using a current version of the Guide with up-to-date product information. These are:

  • The "last updated" date: informs you when the actual content of the guide was last changed.
  • The "downloaded" date: informs you when you retrieved the current copy.
  • The "new copy" date: serves as a reminder of the date you should refresh your copy. It is always 14 days after the downloaded date.
Who is SnackSafely.com?

Founded in 2011, SnackSafely.com provides straightforward, actionable information to improve the lives of the 32 million Americans suffering with food allergies. They strive to eliminate anaphylaxis by leveraging their on-line properties to inform, educate, advocate, and connect the allergic community with news, products and services that help toward achieving this goal.

Where does SnackSafely.com get the information for the Safe Snack Guide?
The firm employs a proprietary platform designed to foster greater transparency in food manufacturing with regard to allergens. Manufacturers join the SnackSafely.com Manufacturer Partnership at no cost by disclosing how 11 allergens are processed during the manufacture of each product, and in return receive free listings in the Safe Snack Guide and Allergence, their allergen product screening service.